Ok, so I am up at silly o’clock getting ready for bed,
about to wrap my mum’s ‘mothers day’ present and I’m considering some of the
words my mother told me a few hours before. I have been single for nearly three
years not loving or hating it but I’m very used to it. As I’ve written about it
previously, I love wearing my old lady nighties to bed and not having to worry
about shaving my legs! However more to the point my mum said that I should be
more interested in dating as at the moment all I seem to care about is my
career. This conversation came about as I was asked on a date from a guy I met
online, which I then cancelled, re-scheduled, cancelled and then he tried to
re-schedule, I said I was busy so I think he gave up. From the looks of it,
that does look quite mean but I just couldn’t be bothered to travel one hour
for a date! Then my mum asked me would I travel one hour for a business meeting
and I didn’t even have to think about it, I knew I would because my businesses
excite me, even my day job excites me but going on a date with someone I’m not
even sure I like? That doesn’t excite me. So this makes me wonder, as young
women in our mid to late twenties are we too wrapped up in our careers and
future plans to even focus on dating and relationships? Are we so accustomed to
being single, the effort needed to even go on a date is too much hassle? Or am
I an outlier, are single women in the UK constantly going on dates and keen to
enter a relationship? Don’t get me wrong I would love an amazing man to walk
into my life but currently I know where my heart is and it belongs to my