This is the new age, the age of he dreamers,thrill seekers, risk takers, entrepreneurs, independence, enjoyment, knowledge and everything else. As a 25 year old living in a world where everything is a grey area, everyone is taking knowledge from different places making it their own. Nothing, absolutely nothing is truth. As T. Harv Eker always says at the start of his seminars 'don't listen to a word I say' because he is speaking from experience, giving advice based on HIS truth and it's up to you if you want to use it or believe in it. However if this is the case why is there so much resistance, so much argument? And I can say I too am guilty of thinking MY truth was so much better than everyone else's. But it's not. Everyone has their own journey, their own past, living in the present and becoming into their future, therefore if someone is happy, how can we judge? We often try to help others who don't want/need to be helped and we often try to help others out of their misery but only they can do that for themselves. From becoming more aware of positive and developmental psychology from my uni studies it opened a whole new world for me. My life has been a series of ups and downs but through all these opportunities I have been presented to me it's now time to live MY truth and inspire others to live life through theirs.